The Process

In the world of worship and expression, flags hold a unique significance. They're not just pieces of fabric adorned with colors and symbols; they're vessels of divine communication, carrying messages and declarations from the heart of the Father to His people. Creating these prophetic flags is a sacred process, one that involves prayer, worship, and listening intently to the voice of God.

At the heart of this process is prayer. Before any dye touches the fabric, we enter into a time of deep prayer, seeking guidance on which colors the flag needs to carry the specific message intended. As certain colors hold prophetic meanings, representing different aspects of God's character or His promises. Through prayer, we invite the Holy Spirit to reveal these colors to us, guiding our hands as we embark on this creative journey.

As worship music fills the atmosphere, we immerse ourselves in the presence of God, listening attentively for His whispers. It's in these moments of worship that we often receive visions or scriptures, further illuminating the design and purpose of the flag. We document these divine revelations, cherishing each word as a precious gift from the Father.

Once the colors are chosen and the dye is applied, we allow the flag to drip, drain, and dry, symbolizing the purification and refinement process that we, as individuals, undergo in God's presence. Afterward, we wash and condition the fabric, tenderly caring for what will soon become a powerful instrument of worship.

As the fabric is ironed and the sewing process begins, we continue to listen to the heart of the Father, seeking His guidance on every detail, down to the choice of ribbon. Each stitch is made with precision, ensuring that there are no imperfections, for these flags are crafted not just with human hands, but with divine inspiration.

Before the flags are sent out, we anoint them with oil and offer prayers of blessing over them and the individuals they are destined for. It's a moment of consecration, as we recognize the sacred purpose these flags hold in ushering in God's presence and declaring His truth.

Finally, with great care, we package the flags, knowing that they carry more than just fabric and colors—they carry messages of hope, healing, and transformation. As they are shipped to their recipients, we release them with faith, trusting that God will use them to touch lives and draw hearts closer to Him.

In the intricate process of creating prophetic flags, we find ourselves not just artisans, but vessels through which God's voice resounds. It's a journey marked by prayer, worship, and obedience—a journey where colors speak volumes, and every stitch tells a story of divine love and revelation.